Thursday 15 January 2015

Jane: AWG celebrates Galette des Rois chez Jane

Galettes des Rois - Almond, Praline or Crystalized Fruit?

At the AWG Galettes des Rois tea today at my house, a debate started as to what was the best type of galette.  The patisserie in Sommières had let me down because the pre-ordered galette made with almonds wasn't ready when I went to collect it. Indeed, it's possible that the baker got to work late because the almond galettes I was given from the shop's display did appear, on tasting, to be a day old.  However, the galette with crystalized fruit proved a huge success and the praline example attracted a good deal of interest because it had not been seen before.

But nevermind the galettes, the 'fèves' or ceramic trinkets that were hidden in the galettes were the real treats.  These beautifully made gems represented circus characters from the 'Cirque Bouglione' which I discover is a real circus!  I so very much hope that this tradition of putting ceramic trinkets in galettes des rois never ceases, they're wonderful.  We could have had circus animals - the choice was very difficult!
Photo credits:  Jane R

Maggie writes:

Thank you again, Jane, for inviting us, and for providing such gorgeous weather.  The drive home was even lovelier than the drive to Bancel, since the sunset and the clouds were putting on a beautiful show for us.  Sorry I didn't stop to take a photo of that.      -m
Sue Rich, Robyn, Peggy R, Jane (standing), Louise, Anne, Dalene, Susan Rey, Denise (Maggie was the photographer)

 Photo credits:  Maggie

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