Saturday 18 February 2017

Cerese: Coffee Chat in February

Any time of the day is a good time for AWG - LR members to gather together and enjoy fellowship! Here we have some of a number of our morning Coffee Chat attendees this year.

Pictured from left to right are: Susan Rey, Appoline L, mom Linda, Katharine C and Cerese.
You may take guesses at who our devoted photographer and a bit camera shy member  might be...

Cerese: Afternoon Tea at the Clubhouse

On January 26th, a few of our members inaugurated a new AWG-LR activity, "Afternoon Tea at the Clubhouse". A few goodies were shared thanks to the Afternoon Tea's activity chair, Genette,  and our ever-talented Anne S. Anne's homemade rendition of "financiers รก la griotte" get a very special mentions... Here standing by the window, we see Anne conversing with Dalene. Susan Rey is in the foreground chatting with Barbara.


AWG Afternoon Teas are great opportunities to share what we like to do; little and big projects and passions such as Genette's fine handcrafted quilts and Mariannick's marvelous patch worked baby's coat!  

 Here we see new member Barbara and Susan Rey.

Through the doorway, Dalene is seen in the corridor showing Mariannick's fine patchwork to a neighbor on what is literally "International Row".

In the Jacques d'Aragon Building complex where our Clubhouse is comfortably located, the ambience is quite international (Other clubs on the  same floor originate from China, Brazil,  Germany and of course, our friends from the British Cultural Association with whom we share an office space) in the foreground Susan and Barbara are sharing notes on expat life.

Barbara and Susan with Dalene in the new clubhouse

 In the picture above are the shelves of AWG's lending library (many of the books have been discussed at AWG's Book Group), as well as books for sale (proceeds as always go to FAWCO).

Come and join us every month for Afternoon Tea at AWG's fabulous new Clubhouse.  

Katharine C: Cook&Eat on Valentine's Day

A group of us - Orla, Anne, Jan, Katharine C - convened at Denise's for our February Cook&Eat session.  Our menu was:  Beet Wellington (yes, sliced yellow and red beets, wrapped in a leek and crushed walnut cover (rather than being wrapped in the traditional duxelles mushroom covering) and wrapped in puff pastry.  It was delicious. 

Beet Wellington
The cooked Beet Wellington
Denise, Jan, Anne and Orla

Katharine, Jan, Denise, Anne, and Orla (seated)

The Beet Wellington was accompanied by an avocado salad and cresson
Our delicious Valentine's Day dessert
Our dessert was created by Orla - a rose biscuit base, then a layer of whipped cream and
blended lychees, then a layer of raspberry gelee using agar-agar (rather than gelatin) topped with
fresh raspberries.  Orla brought some pink champagne for lunch and we had a very convivial

Many thanks to Denise (and her husband Gerard and her two sons) for allowing us to take over the kitchen and dining room for the morning. 

Monday 13 February 2017

Katharine: letters to our President

 Editor:  I know that President Obama is no longer our President, and I need to get over it, (haven't yet)  but this lengthy piece in the NY Times documents the letters sent to him during his tenure in the White House, each one of which was read by a team of staffers, and 10 letters each day were prepared for him to read unedited.   They were varied - poignant, hurting, volatile - you name it, they were there.  But the President insisted on this - he wanted to know what the American people were thinking - and when he could do something, he did.
You can either copy/paste it or click on the link below:

Over eight years, through millions of letters, the staff of the White House mail room read the unfiltered story of a nation.

          Letter from grieving parents and the President's response:

Asked and Answered: The Promise “Never to Forget”

January 21, 2009
Dear President Obama,
My name is Thomas J. Meehan III, father of Colleen Ann Meehan Barkow, age 26, who perished on September 11 2001 at the WTC. Colleen was an employee of Cantor-Fitzgerald working on the 103rd Floor. Her upper torso was found September 17th, 2001, the date of her first wedding anniversary. In the days and months afterwards there were to be additional discoveries of her, a total of six, which still did not amount to a whole body, but was more than what some other families affected have been given back, Families still speak in terms of body parts found and not found, and what will never be found.
In the past seven years, my wife and I have been committed to the issue of the ashen remains of those lost that day, which have been interred (bulldozed) into the 40 acres of land known as the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, New York. For the one thousand families who did not receive any remains, this is the final resting place, an un-holy, un-consecrated landfill. The live lost are there with garbage beneath them and construction fill above them, an unbefitting resting place for those we called heroes and took an oath never to forget.
While this issue has been before the courts, and remains may in fact be permanently interred at the landfill, parents, spouses, siblings, extended family members must live with the knowledge that their loved ones lie in what was the world’s largest dump. How we as a society will be judged in the treatment of those lost, only history will record.
My wife and I mourn the continued loss of Americans in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan while we still await the apprehension and trial of those we hold responsible for the death of our daughter and almost 3000 other American and international citizens.
While we understand the reasons for closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, we urge you to allow the trials of those defendants charged in connection with the attacks of September 11, 2001, to go forward and complete the judicial process and give some small measure of justice to all of the 9/11 family members, while we still await the capture of Osama Bin Laden.
Our lives have been forever changed by the events of September 11, 2001, and yet life goes on, we now have two granddaughters, Brett Colleen, age four and Ryann Elizabeth, age two, we hope that their lives will be in a better world that the one which claimed their aunt. And they will have the opportunities to live their lives to the fullest and live in a safer world, free of the threat of terrorism.
I share these facts with you so that you will understand why these issues mean so much to us, and ask that you not forget the promise “Never to Forget”, and will bring to justice those responsible for September 11, 2001.
God Bless You and You’re Family,
May the Peace of the Lord Be Upon You and Remain With You,​
Thomas J. Meehan III & JoAnn Meehan
Toms River, New Jersey
The President’s Response

Dear Tom & JoAnn —
I am in receipt of your letter, and wanted to respond personally. Your story is heartbreaking, and we will do everything we can to ensure that the process of bringing all of those involved in 9/11 is completed.
In the meantime, know that we will never forget Colleen, and that I spend every waking hour in search of ways to make the future brighter for your granddaughters and my daughters.
God Bless,
Barack Obama