Thursday 20 June 2013

Katharine: Lunch and Annual General Meeting

A buoyant day was spent by AWG members with their retiring President, and Board and the Activity Chairs,  in review of our club year.  Our official association meeting kicked off with a splendid lunch. We transacted some business - paying dues, and voting for next year's officers.  The ballot bag was staffed by Genette E, accompanied by Denise.  Genette announced the result of the election - a landslide for the slate of candidates, headed by Jessica as President, Rachel and Elysa as Vice Presidents,  (one of whom will be focussed on Activities, the other on external outreach); Noel as Secretary and Mariannick as Treasurer.  Orla, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, thanked the candidates who are our new officers for being prepared to serve and give their time to AWG.   Congratulations to you all, and thank you for making the commitment to AWG. 

Fruits of the season were delicious, along with baked savoury dishes, salads and desserts, contributed by AWG volunteers.  Thank you! 

Anne, Sue Rich and Maggie

Pam, Dawn and Maquita
The ladies from Resto Bebes told us that their organisation supports 80 babies with their mothers.   They're seen here holding our (some of) our donation of baby products;  Kim, Sylvia and Maquita form AWG's liaison with Resto Bebes.

Our heart project - Jessica, Laetitia, Cat Hartley of Cancer Support Languedoc, Maggie, Kim, Robyn and Mariannick
Cat Hartley of Cancer Support Lanquedoc gave an account of their activities, of which she is President.  Maquita and Pam have been trained (for life) as active listeners for (anglophone) people seeking help.  Anyone may contact the organisation for practical, emotional or linguistic support.  CSL has signed a convention with a regional treatment center, and are recognized as a bona fide association.  While they do need to fundraise and appreciate our support, their major goal is to raise awareness of their existence and the help they offer. Their expenses are primarily for petrol - their volunteers make many trips, from Bedarieux to Nimes, to hospitals.  Their activities in the Gard are developing (having started in the Pezenas area).  They hold a drop-in day in Pezenas on the last thursday of the month which is social. Cat distributed literature and asked that members present ask to place a copy in their doctor's surgery.   Cat will distribute our heart pillows to those who need them;  apart from their practical application, Cat told us that this sends a message to breast cancer sufferers that people care about them.  (And patterns are available for the pillows on request from Maggie or Mariannick).    Cat's talk was practical and very moving.  This is an organisation worthy of AWG's support.
Kim and Jessica
Kim talked about our fundraising activities this year - despite not having held a big event, our fundraising has been successful (full details present in the Treasurer's report, available on request
from Mariannick). Orla held one of her dinner extravaganzas, and was thanked.  Next year, we will have the new cookbook, as well as greeting cards made from photos (no humans) sent in by members.  AWG has a charity committee (let Jessica know if you're interested in being involved).

Kim noted new activities within AWG this year - the Writer's Block writing group;  also the successful re-design of the AWG website, with thanks to Jessica for all the hard work it entailed;  Sara managed a project for bookmarks and business cards, all of which were distributed.  Thanks, Sara.  Kim orchestrated a move from personal email addresses to activity-specific email addresses, which will smooth transitions as the baton is passed to a new Activity chair.   Short summations of activities were given by the activity chairs present - Sue Rich, Mariannick, Katharine C, Maggie, Karen, Sheri, Laetitia. 
Rachel had sourced beautiful hybrid roses as a gift to the retiring Board and Activity Chairs.  Thank you! 
Our littlest attendee

Jessica's husband was present to see her accept the AWG Presidency.  Seen here also Rachel and Sara J. 

Maquita and Cat Hartley

Jessica and Denise

AWG's voting officer Genette, ably assisted by Denise.  Thank you both! 


Katharine C taking notes for this blog, seated behind the Roster of Presidents given to AWG by Dora Taylor

Chris, retiring Secretary to the Board, and Patricia R, who spoke of establishing an Actors Studio

Jessica thanks AWG members for electing her President of AWG, 2013-14

.... and the torch (in this case the pewter box given by the US Ambassador to France in 2007) passes to a new generation (with due respect and acknowledgment of President Kennedy). 

We moved to a discussion of future activity, including the potential for being the host club for the 2015 FAWCO Conference, to be held in Montpellier (where there is now a suitable venue - the Marriott near the Hotel de Ville in Port Marianne).  Various views were solicited from the membership, and comments offered included a concern about the financial implications for the club;  that the Mairie and our Dept, Herault (34) should be included in making it a success;  that the time commitment required from club members might not be sustainable;  and that a risk/benefit analysis be conducted to satisfy the planning/management parameters before we submit a bid. 

As Kim adjourned the meeting, Pam asked all present for a show of appreciation of the service that Kim has given the club as President (and not forgetting the prior two years of being our FAWCO Rep) which was willingly and graciously given.

This was a buoyant day, the culmination of a year of high spirits for our club, and a celebration of friendship and altruism from within.  Thank you to the following people who came to the meeting and made such a positive contribution: 

Maquita, Sheri, Dalene, Katharine J, Sue Rich, Jessica, Sara, Elysa, Patricia R, Kim, Maggie,
Laetitia, Chris B, Linda L, Denise, Genette, Rachel, Sylvia, Robyn, Mariannick, Anne S, Y-J,
Lael, Karen, Orla, Leslie L, Pam, Dawn. 

(Photo credits:  Sylvia, Katharine).   

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