Sunday 25 June 2017

Katharine C: Spring into Summer at Jan and Bruno's

 Editor's note:  this will be my last post as Editor of Scriveners.  I have enjoyed documenting AWG's many events over the last eight years, and hope that these photos serve as reminders of the many happy times shared within AWG's family.  Katharine.

A mid-summer, very warm evening, greeted us at Jan and Bruno's for a very convivial evening.  Many thanks to Jan and Bruno for their hospitality that was as warm as the weather, and to everyone who brought such delicious food to share. It was great to see friends old and new. 

Photo credits:  Bruno C
Petra, Jan, Mary-Catherine and Sonya

Leslie, Caroline and Michel

Michel, Sue Rou and Michael

Sue Rich (back to camera), Dora to her left and Anne on right, Barbara, Claire and Mariannick)
Serious discussion amongst the men at the end of the table;  Mireille and Kim talking on the LHS
Mireille in red, Maquita, Joyce, Katharine and Leslie