Wednesday 6 November 2013

Caroline: Hallowe'en - what was in the Punch?


Editor:  our Writers' Bloc group has agreed that, with the writer's permission, the group will send one piece of writing to Scriveners each month.  The following, penned by Caroline G,  is one that everyone enjoyed.  
What was in the Punch? Or Halloween hallucinations

Halloween Canada

It is the perfect Halloween night, a full moon in a cloudless sky, wind strong enough to whish the fallen leaves around my feet but not strong enough to be uncomfortable, Pumpkins in windowsills fluttering with dying candles. It is late as I walk home from the party in my witch’s gear, there are no more children in the streets only a few roaming zombies and skeletons determined to get home for tomorrows work day.

The party was a real success. Everybody played the game in real Halloween costumes, no tinker bells and fairy costumes! The food was good but the witches’ brew was outstanding, fruity with just a touch of cinnamon. It didn’t taste very strong in alcohol but my guess is that is deceiving. I wonder what was in that punch?

My bed at last! A good thing as the ground is getting a little unsteady and everything seems to be moving. I let myself fall…

Oh my god! Where is my bed and what am I doing in this boat out of “Pirates of the Caribbean” in a storm like the “Perfect Storm” with both Johnny Depp and George Clooney successively grinning at me like the Cheshire cat and licking my face. Purr, purr
in my ear, get a grip it is just Isis my cat happy to see me home.

Hold on Isis! We are surfing on a tidal wave up, up towards the moon, that perfect full moon with swarms of witches of all sizes on their brooms hovering like night flies around a garden light. Hold on baby we’re ok! After all I am a witch tonight and you are my cat. Just don’t fall off our stick!

Scratch, scratch and thunk, scratch, thunk…  We’re back in bed but there is something at my window. Something scratching, trying to open the window, trying to get in! Scratch, thunk. It is on the branch right out my window and whooshes towards me with the wind. I can see the shape, a human shape a half eaten skeletal zombie shape with woody fingers!! I close my eyes, put my fingers in my ears, it will go away, the wind will die down and it will go away!

My eyes are shut I feel a tickle on my stomach, like a feather yet excrutiatingly painful. I am afraid to open my eyes, yet I need to know. I slowly open just a crack, just a peep. A shadow, a dark shadow…THE GRIM REAPER! His finger is going deeper and deeper into my stomach and the pain is getting more and more persistent.  I must … I must…

Run to the bathroom… I turn the light on and although I feel quite sick to my stomach I realize that all is well and I wonder… What on earth was in that punch? Or could it have been the brownies?

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