Monday 26 August 2013

Jan C: Affirmation

Photo credits:  Jan C

Sunrise at sea

Somewhat inclined to be pessimistic about the future for wildlife I recently had a shift in that perspective - for the positive.  My husband and our 2 adult children sailed from France to the Balearic Islands 2 weeks ago and even with all the sailing experience we have we've never had so many close encounters with dolphins and whales as on this trip.

The 36 hr. crossing to Menorca was very calm and we had to motor most of the way.  We left Port Camargue in the evening and sightings of dolphins started that night - with a clear night we saw 2 single dolphins their fins distinctly breaking the surface. 

The next morning we were all on deck when dolphins were sighted in all directions - a large pod of about 15 individuals.  We slowed the boat and slowly headed toward them, they in turn came to the boat and swam next to our bow. 2 of them turning their heads to look up at us.  I was completely awe struck at these beautiful creatures. 

As suddenly as they arrived they turned and still swimming and jumping on the surface offered us a fare thee well that we will never forget.

For our return crossing we had light winds but for a few hours we could turn the motor off and sail.  Luckily it was during this time that we came across an astounding sight:  a whale going from slowly moving and spouting on the surface to a rolling thrashing erratic movement (which we quickly tried to avoid by turning the boat as upwind as we could).  The whale rounded up and crossed in front of us swimming right along the length of our boat.  Surprised and dismayed by what looked like blood in the water I didn't take any photos at that point.  The blood seemed to be from the underside and I was afraid the whale had been hit by a passing freighter.

A pilot whale giving birth
 But several long seconds later we saw the movement calm and suddenly a second shape, much smaller appeared and the 2 whales spouted at the same time shortly afterwards.  A baby had been born!  

A lone dolphin

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