Thursday 7 January 2016

Maggie: Galette des Rois: Tea at Katharine J's

Galette des Rois: The French tart with a charm

As several people said, it was a lovely way to start the year. 

Queen for the Day - Katharine J

Although some people had to cancel at the last minute, there was quite a group around the table chez Katharine, and it was nice to see some faces that we hadn’t seen in a while.  it was also nice  to welcome our most recent member, Joyce.  Great to see that our VP is up and about after her surgery, and her walking-stick looks made to order.  The galettes and royaumes from the bakery in the center of Montferrier were delicious, but the “feves” played hard to get, so we had to eat a lot before we found our queens-for-the-day, Katharine and Anne.

Thanks again to Katharine for hosting, to Anne for bringing a box of thé de Noël to share, and to everyone who attended for adding to the ambience.

Jan, Susan and Anne

Cerese + walking stick, Leslie and Jan
Queen for the Day - Anne

l to r:  Maggie, Mariannick, Joyce, Gerhilde, Lydia, Jan, Susan, Anne, Cerese, John, Rosie, + Katharine (standing)
(Leslie L took the photo)
 Photo credits:  Maggie and Lydia

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