Photo credits: GianLuca
GianLuca, Jessica's husband, was on duty throughout the meeting documenting the various presentations and speeches. Thank you, GianLuca!
Jessica, AWG President, gives her summary of the 2014-15 year |
Lunch beforehand |
Maquita thanks AWG on behalf of Resto Bébés, to whom AWG donates (much-needed) baby bottles |
Jessica presents AWG's check to the President of the local branch of L'Arche, one of the charities we support |
The Representative from La Clé gave a heartwarming presentation (in english) describing the work the charity performs on behalf of children (and their families) who have leukaemia. She told us about events they are only able to organise due to the contributions made |
Maquita, Linda and Pam spoke about their activities as volunteers and "trained listeners" for Cancer Support France |
AWG supports Cancer Support France by making heart pillows that alleviate the discomfort felt by breast cancer patients. |
The baton is passed - from Jessica to our incoming President, Mary-Catherine |
Our new Board: l to r: Peggy, Jill, Maria, Mariannick, and newly-elected President Mary-Catherine |
And there were roses ....... |
But - as Jane pointed out - there was no rose for Jessica, who deserved one more than anyone.
So this one's for you, Jessica, with our thanks for your dedication and hard work as AWG President over the last two years.
Jessica's rose |
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